2009年5月19日 星期二





Many diseases are spread by poor coughing and sneezing techniques. Most people put their hands in front of their mouths and noses to stop germs from getting into the air. Unfortunately, this technique puts the germs on their hands. The germs are then spread to telephones and doorknobs and many other surfaces from which they are then picked up by the next user. This is how colds spread quickly through schools and workplaces, and how the flu spreads quickly through entire cities. It would be very easy to cut this mode of infection drastically by simply getting people to cough and sneeze properly.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. and of several states have put forth posters and public service announcements trying to get people to change the way they cough and sneeze. Only a small fraction of the population has adopted safe techniques. With colds always around the corner, with tuberculosis on the rise, and with swine flu threatening to impair the health and welfare of the nation, all citizens should adopt proper coughing and sneezing techniques.

This five minute video was designed to encourage people to cough and sneeze according to the infection control guidelines put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is aimed at the common citizen. Its message is serious, but it is presented with humor in such a way that it engages the viewer's attention for a full five minutes while the message is repeated in interesting new ways. It can be enjoyed by individuals, but it is even more fun to watch in groups, resulting in community reinforcement. It has been used in hospitals and schools with great success. It actually makes people change the way they cough and sneeze.

This video was produced with the assistance of three infectious disease doctors, two hospitals, and the Maine Medical Association, to whom the author is grateful. The author, Ben Lounsbury MD, is an Ear, Nose and Throat physician.


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